The Hemp Solution – Chapter 7 – Cannabis Medicine

Enhancing the Immune System – Huang Qi to the Rescue

What an amazing herb! Written in layman’s terms, this short, informational article about all the natural innate benefits of Huang Qi should astound you. Planning ahead and using preventive measures a healthy, beautiful season awaits.

What Is Energy Healing?

What are the different modalities and how does it work? The concept is rather different from mainstream medicine and difficult for many people to grasp.

Ways To Avoid Thyroid Problems

Our thyroid is the gland in our neck that is responsible in creating hormones for the balanced actions of our metabolism. If this gland malfunctions, then the metabolism of a person will be disrupted which could cause many different health disorders.

Seven Reasons Abstinence Is a Good Idea – A Fasting Primer

Some do it for detoxification while others for spiritual enlightenment. Whatever your reason, it’s a good one to fast for a small amount of time. Jesus Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights. That’s a tad bit extreme but then again, he was the son of God.

How Can You Help Your Body to Self-Regulate Itself?

Discover six natural herbs that are unique from other substances! These amazing herbs have the ability to balance the immune system, the endocrine system and help the body regulate its internal conditions.

Choosing Optimal Health

Is our family health history a “done deal?” Or can we choose to be healthy in spite of our genetic predisposition? This article will answer both of these questions.

The Foods We Feed Our Children

Why are the children in America suffering an obesity epidemic? Is it because meal portions are out of control? Is it that children are eating too many carbohydrates or fat?

All About Essential Oils

There is so much more to essential oils than aromatherapy. If you know a little or a lot about essential oils, natural aromatic compounds found in plants, and would like to know more then this article is for you.

Chronic Fatigue Treatment – Naturally Offers The Most

The best chronic fatigue treatment is a natural one, one which supports your body’s best efforts to cure itself. Chronic fatigue syndrome, or cfs, is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, or me.

Holistic Counseling for a Wholesome Destiny

How to attain wholeness in the face of modern obstacles. Waking the wisdom in our dreaming feeling arena by individual exercises and holistic counseling.

What Is Holistic Health and How Can It Help Me?

Learn the definition of holistic health and find out how it can help you. What is the difference between holistic health and conventional medicine?

Introduction To The Budwig Diet For Cancer

Those newly diagnosed with Cancer usually have known someone who suffered more from the treatment than the illness, then died anyway. Not wanting the same they study up on alternative protocols. The Budwig Diet, briefly described here, is one worth considering.

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