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7 Unusual Health Practices

There are definitely some strange health practices out there. While some work well with most of us, there are others that are totally off-the-mark. Call them crazy or weird, but there are some health practices that just don’t make sense at all. Let’s see some of those peculiar practices.

Health and Spirituality

Unless we open up to this holistic definition of mankind, our questions and our efforts would always be half rewarded. We all know what Einstein famously quoted, “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind

IBS Disorder and the Homeopathic Approach

Do you constantly feel bloated and suffer from stomach cramps? Then you might be suffering from IBS. Learn about IBS disorder and the homeopathic approach to get your gut healthy again.

How Healthy Is Your Mindset?

A healthy mindset is a starting point for a happy and healthy life. Unfortunately, when you lack a healthy mindset, you also lack the ability to reach your true potential. Why? Because your thoughts are truly powerful!

Natural Remedies for Migraine Headaches

80% of those who suffer from migraine headaches are women. It has recently been discovered that migraine headaches can cause brain damage. There are two supplements that can vastly reduce or even prevent the agony of a migraine headache.

Fermented WHAT?

Natural probiotics are easy to incorporate into your diet and are much more nutritious and beneficial than taking a supplement. Who needs supplements if you are already getting what you need through diet? Adding these fermented foods to your routine aids digestion and builds immunity with good bacteria essential for good gut health.

The Mighty Lemon!

All hail the mighty lemon! Possibly the easiest thing you can add to your daily life that gives the most health bang for your buck. Or your 0.49 cents in most grocery stores. This wonderful citrus from the gods has amazing powers and they are easily attainable.

Take Control Of Your Healthcare Naturally

Healthcare in this country is out of control which there seems to be no end insight, and no compromise for us to reach some kind of middle ground. As more diseases become mainstream so do the drugs to combat them. We need to find alternative, safe, and natural ways to get to the root causes of our ailments. After all we are ultimately responsible for our own health and well-being.

Grounding For Health and Well-Being

Ever feel really good after walking barefoot in the park or along the beach, or after lying in the grass? Have you noticed how a dip in the ocean or sitting beneath a tree can rejuvenate your body and mind, and transform that feeling of being “burned out” or “wired” into one of calm and balance? The common factor between all of these activities is an exchange of electrical charges with the Earth, called grounding or “earthing” by the alternative health community, and it can be a powerful agent for healing.

Herbalism Is The New Age Revolution

This method has gained popularity in many parts of the world over the past few centuries. People prefer to use herbal products because of health consciousness.

Native American Healing Practices

This science of healing merges spirituality, religion, herbal medicine, and rituals to offer treatment for medical and emotional problems. The native healers have claimed that they have cured conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, thyroid ailments, skin rashes, asthma, and cancer.

3 Ways to Avoid Burnout

We live the life like the pink Energizer Bunny that beats his drum non-stop. As the battery commercial says, “He keeps going and going and… “

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