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Holistic Approaches to Health and Wellness

Lifestyle illnesses, such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease cost billions of dollars in healthcare costs every year. Lifestyle illnesses, such as stroke, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease cost billions of dollars in healthcare costs every year. They not only take up a great deal of your time but also pose risks for premature death.

How To Improve Your Natural Immune Power With A Breakthrough In Food Technology

Just Say No to harmful drugs and medications. Discover a safe all natural and organic way to really boost and increase your natural immune power levels by up to an Amazing percent in a very short period of time starting today.

Grab the Right Attitude About Midlife: It’s A Whole New Life Ahead

Hitting midlife is certainly a milestone, as the stress related to forging a career, settling down and raising children fades into the rearview mirror and it’s time to shift down a gear. We start to feel more content and it’s time to truly enjoy life! It only gets better from here, with life getting better with each decade.

4 Key Steps To Developing A More Positive Mindset

Negativity can discourage us, add to our stress, put strain on our relationship, make us less productive, and reduce our overall happiness. Positivity on the other hand has many benefits across our lives in terms of our health, relationships, and careers.

Changing Your Mindset About Aging and Celebrating Your Life

In youth, we chase success, willing our lives away so that one day we can sit back and enjoy life. When you reach your later years, you look back and wish you’d spent more time enjoying life then, because you never know what tomorrow can bring.

The Simple And Powerful Steps For Optimal Health, Energy And Longevity

Learn about how you are in control of your health and what you can do about it. Use these simple steps today to start transforming your health and your life.

Humor, Laughter And Play For Health

The idea that you can use humor, laughter, and play to promote your health probably seems too simple to be true. However, it really is true and that simple. A sense of humor, laughter and play all have a part in keeping us healthy. There are benefits to increasing humor, laughter, and play into your life that will affect you mentally, physically and socially.

How Laughter Can Improve Your Overall Health

Laughter can be infectious. When you hear the sound of laughter, you can’t help but laugh yourself. When laughter is shared among others, it causes a binding between people and increases both intimacy and happiness.

7 Benefits of Practicing Gratitude Every Day

Science has proven that being grateful leads to a higher quality of life. People who express gratitude regularly live longer, are healthier, and also have a lower incidence rate of overweight, obesity, stress, anxiety and chronic disease. The following 7 benefits are just a few of the many rewards of practicing gratitude every day.

Is There A Relationship Between Sin And Sickness?

Many people believe that stress can cause all kinds of illnesses. Then there is the idea that behind ailment there can be a so-called psychosomatic cause. As a Christian I take it a step further and ask the question whether there is a relation between sin and sickness.

3 Simple Tips for Being More Mindful Everyday

Mindfulness is all about tuning the brain to focus on the present moment. It is important to state this fact because sometimes the true essence of mindfulness is lost. This happens when putting all emphasis on traditional activities practiced alongside mindfulness such as meditation or yoga. However, mindfulness can be applied in our daily lives.

Listening To Your Body For Better Health

For many of us, better health does not come naturally. It is usually something we must work on in order to lead healthy lives and have overall excellent health. This means listening to your body and understanding what it is telling you about what is going on inside the body. Here are some ways you can listen to your body so you can have a life that is sustained by good health.

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