What Keeps People From Taking CBD?

Balance Your PH

A very important factor that is often overlooked is the amount of acidity in our bodies. Whether your goal is fat loss, muscle building, and performance and overall healthy living you should test your PH balance and ensure your body is not in an acidic state. Read more on how you can make your body less acidic and more alkaline.

Why Use Yellow?

This is an article about the color yellow. It discusses the use of yellow to help the mind and body.

Keep Your Resolutions – At Work

Your workplace is the toughest place to keep your resolutions, even if others are helping out. Here are a few tips to keep you on track this year.

Antidotes From the Orient

I don’t like taking over the counter flu remedies. They jump start my heart, dehydrate my head and while they may temporarily give me relief, I don’t like the way they make me feel. During this time of year, I stock up on vitamin C and zinc and every time I feel below par, I take them faithfully. So far, I’ve been able to stave off any illness but in case one sneaks through, I want to be primed and ready. This year, instead of depending on the internet for my wellness regime, I decided to take a trip to Chinatown.

How Visits To A Salt Cave Help With Certain Conditions

How Visits To A Salt Cave Help Symptoms Of Colds, Flu, Ear and Sinus Infections, Sleep Issues and Re-balancing. The Body Allergy: Long term studies with allergy patients in Russia who reported remarkable improvement over a period of ten years have led to halo therapy being recognized as a certified allergy treatment by the Russian Ministry of Health and other associations in Europe. Cystic Fibrosis: According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the effects of salt therapy on cystic fibrosis patients, “The…

Liquid Supplements VS Pills

Are liquid vitamins and herbs better absorbed than pills? Find out the best way to take your supplements for better absorption.

10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System Against Cold And Flus

1. Rebounding is the best exercise for the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is like the garbage disposal of the body.

3 Lifestyle Factors As Constipation Remedies

The way we live can have such a huge impact on our digestive health. This article discusses three important ways to stay regular.

The Benefits Of Holistic Health Care

Many individuals today are striving to take greater control over their health. For some, this goal stems from a desire to lead a more natural, healthy life. Others may be driven to learn more about their options for healthcare due to the rising…

Greek Style Yogurt, a Natural Source of Probiotics

The international description says that probiotics are organisms living within the host’s bio system that confer health benefits. The human gut, for example, contains somewhere in the region of 2 kilograms of live bacteria. Some of these bacteria are good, and some are bad. For potent digestive health to happen we require the beneficial bacteria to outweigh the detrimental.

Fever: A Hot Topic!

Do you know what to do when your child has a fever? Read here to find out the best way to allow your child to recover quickly and safely.

Fall In Love With Orange

This article is about the health benefits of the color orange. It also includes warnings about when the use of orange may not be a good idea.

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