Advocating for CBD

The One Thing About Our Body’s Cells

If you give your cells what they need for optimal function, they will become stronger and more activated, as will your entire body, which is nothing more than the 70 trillion cells that comprise it. To have optimized cells, so our bodies can get revitalized from disease or pain, fatigue, skin conditions, weight gain, etc., we need the following basics covered:

Top Reasons Why More People Are Using a Five Day Detox Supplement

In an ever changing supplement world, many people are reaching for a shorter and rapid five day detox supplement. While there are a variety of reasons that exists for considering using a detoxification product, a few key reasons can be easily explained as to why some people prefer a shorter, five day regiment.

Ways to Naturally Treat Your Cold

A nasty cold is no fun, regardless of the time of year. We are always thinking of ways to shorten the duration and severity of the cold, but sometimes there isn’t a whole lot that can be done. However, there are several natural cold remedies that can help you get over your cold faster and boost your immune system.

What Is Healthy Coffee? What Even Makes It Healthy?

What is healthy coffee? Really, there have been a lot of doubts as regard the claim that coffee can be healthy for the body. Nevertheless, new developments have made it possible to drink the beverage without any attending side effects. Here, you would discover certain facts that make such beverages ideal for all Americans today.

Topsoil: What’s Wrong With Our Earth’s Topsoil And What Should We Do About It?

Our earth’s topsoil is now being depleted at an alarming rate. This may be causing critical mass shortages of fertilizer ingredients. How serious is this problem and what needs to be done? Find out in this edition of The Healthy Living Update.

Synthetic Sexual Stimulation Versus All-Natural Alternatives

Ever since Viagra, men with erectile disfunctions have been relying on synthetically manufactured pills to induce a satisfying sexual experience. But how safe is Viagra? How is Viagra effecting relationships? And what about women who are unable to enjoy sex? Now there is an all-natural alternative to Viagra that is raising eyebrows. Here is what you need to know about synthetic sexual stimulation versus all-natural alternatives.

What Role Does Detoxification And Rejuvenation Play In Preventative Health?

Our bodies are inundated with toxins every day both from the environment and from what we put there ourselves. It is important to understand how detoxification and rejuvenation can play a role in our preventative health care.

Superfood Spotlight: Garlic

This article talks about some of the incredible medicinal properties of garlic. It also briefly delves into the cultural history of one of the most fascinating and powerful natural medicines.

Guidelines For Nutrition When Preventing Lifestyle Disorders

What is the most important thing to think about when considering a change in our nutrition? Quality of Food? Quantity of food? Timing of Food? what type of Food? You may be surprised to hear the answer.

What Role Does Our Mind Play in Our Overall Health?

Your mind plays an active role in your ability to be healthy. What you believe, think and say to yourself can either make you healthy or make you sick with disease. Take control and think positive, this is a big step in preventing disease.

Your Body Type And It’s Connection To Health And Longevity

What role does your body type play in your overall health? Find out how your body type affects your health and what you can do about it. Live a longer and more healthful life by giving your body what it really needs.

Exploring the Principles of Sustainable Natural Healing

How can we be healthier in a more natural way? What simple steps can we take on a daily basis that will increase our overall health and well being? Ayurveda gives you the tools necessary to prevent disease and have more energy.

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