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Gout Can Lead to Kidney Failure

Gout occurs with the buildup of uric acid in the joints and kidneys. While Uric acid is a normal waste product that dissolves in the blood and is passed out of the body through urine, extra uric acid that is not passed out of the body crystallizes and causes gout. To prevent gout attacks the uric acid should ideally remain below 6.0 mg/dL. A condition of having excess uric acid is called hyperuricemia. Food and drinks that mostly contribute to gout attacks include seafood, red meat, organ meat, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar-sweetened items that are usually popular during the holidays and beer and liquor. Those with high blood pressure, obese, have high blood sugar and high cholesterol may have higher levels of uric acid that leads to gout. Just as gout can cause kidney diseases and kidney failure, the latter can also cause the gout. Other causes are severe illness, stress, hypothyroidism and physical exertion

Five Reasons To Love Red

This article is about why everyone should love red. It also includes some safety warnings about this color.

Treating Allergies Naturally With Homeopathy

Treating allergies naturally may be the most effective way to rid yourself of these annoying, and sometime dangerous, health problems. It’s no fun having to avoid situations that can cause a reaction, when the situation itself is fun or healthy.

Some Benefits of Fresh Royal Jelly

As we look for ways to heal our body and protect it from various diseases, we have come full circle and gone back to nature as our source for many of the medicines and supplements we now take. Natural products like fresh royal jelly have amazing benefits to make us both look and feel good.

Natural Cold Remedies For Children

Children can be very sensitive to traditional western cold medicines. Sometimes the best way to cure a child’s cold symptoms is to use natural remedies. Read here to find out the best ways to cure your child’s cold symptoms naturally.

The Wisdom of Energy

There is a worldwide movement to integrate the ancient wisdom and spiritual beliefs of our forefathers to help us resolve current issues. Indigenous people understand that everything in the universe is intimately interconnected and individual contentment is based on the collective needs of all.

Black Women and Fibroids the Silent Epidemic That’s Screaming in Our Community Part 3: Toxic Beauty

Recently, a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology linking hair relaxers to fibroids in Black women was released and made its rounds on the internet, shedding light on the role that common habits can play in our health. Many of you may have read reports about the study but if you have not, here is a summary of the findings: Scientist followed more than 23,000 pre-menopausal Black American women from 1997-2009 and found that the high rates of fibroids among black women could be connected to chemical exposure through scalp lesions and burns from hair relaxers(Blackdoctor.org).

Juicing And Diabetes, Cure Your Type II Diabetes With Juice

Did you know that you can control and even cure type 2 diabetes with diet. Research shows that raw food, is important to this quest. Diabetes means your pancreas is working overtime to supply more insulin to your body which has become resistant to it.

Natural Immune Booster – What It Means

There are many natural immune boosters. A healthy diet is perhaps the greatest one that should be adopted by everyone. A healthy diet will be nutrient dense, obviating the need for supplements.

Resolve To Be Healthy This Year

What are your resolutions? Are you waiting? What for? Start now and be healthy! Try these tips.

When Kidney Patients Seek A Second Opinion

However, those who have second thoughts about their treatment plans have the right to seek a second opinion. Patients have the right to be informed about all treatments available, including the alternatives that they have. The other times that patients seek second opinions would be: when they are advised to undergo surgery; when they are diagnosed with cancer; when they do not agree with the treatment plan made for them; and when they are dissatisfied with the health care management they receive from their doctors. Ideally patients with chronic kidney diseases should have a treatment plan that would consist the following: blood testing, medicines, dietary advice, and physical activities advice.

What Is a Medical Intuitive Healer?

Medical Intuitive offer hope to many individuals that cannot seem to find an answer to their physical and emotional issues. These spiritual healers can work with from a distance and offer significant guidance if healing your condition.

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