The Hemp Solution – Chapter 6 – Nepal & Around the World

How the Choices We Make Determine Our Health

The choices you make in life will determine how healthy you are overall. And your health is important because it will determine the quality of life you lead. We are all born with one body and that body can only take you as far as you are willing to take care of it. That being said, what state of health is your body, mind and spirit in today? For many, improving ones health is an on going struggle. That’s because we are born with free will, to make our own decisions and its hard not to be persuaded by temptation to lead you off the path to better health.

What Causes Breast Cancer And How To Prevent It Happening To You

Many women want to know what causes breast cancer. Once they know this, they can take measures to prevent it happening to them. Doctors will never tell you this vital information, partly perhaps because they don’t know, partly because they are not allowed to tell you. Few people realise how restricted doctors are in the information they give you.

How to Improve One’s Health by Making Small Changes

So you want to improve your health? First take a good look at how you got to where you are now. Do you make wise, healthy decisions when it comes to your health? Do you eat healthy, exercise enough, and get enough sleep? Improving ones health is all about changing the decisions you are making now that have lead you to the poor state of health you are in now. Even making small changes to your lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on your overall health down the line. Here is a list of small changes that can start you on your way to better health.

Holistic Water Filters (Filter Takes Out Fluoride, Radiation, Metals and More)

The world water supply is in trouble. I believe we must make a stand and demand that changes in our water treatment laws must take place. Most importantly fluoride and unsafe water treatment plants. If not for ourselves at least for our children, grandchildren and hopefully their children.

Chronic Stress: A Gateway to Internal Decay

Learn how chronic stress affects body and mind. Five ways to help alleviate chronic stress.

Post Traumatic Stress and Hypnotherapy: Integration of the Self

How can I help the part of me that sabotages me to listen to the part of me that knows better, that wants to heal? This challenge requires a process of integration that I believe is the key to transformation. Clients follow a process of integrating the hurting/disempowered self, the mature, wise adult self,with the clarity and power of their spiritual resources. This article is a case study in how to the power of imagery and hypnotherapy helped release unhealthy patterns and brought empowered integration and wholeness into one woman’s life.

Healing With Herbal Tea

Herbal tea has been used across the globe for countless centuries as a tool for healing and personal empowerment. In this article we’ll explore how herbal tea work, how to select herbs for brewing, and how to create the perfect cup every time. This is a great tool to have for adding yet another natural healing remedy to your life!

What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome And How You Can Treat It Successfully?

Many people suffer with digestive issues of one sort or another. What causes irritable bowel syndrome or other digestive disorders? What can you do to cure it completely?

Auto Injuries – How Chiropractic Care Can Help

The body’s response after an accident. What to do after an accident. Why chiropractic care makes sense.

Natural Immune Boosting Therapies and Alternatives to the Flu Shot

Simply put, the stronger your immune system, the more likely you will not suffer from cold or flu outbreaks. The immune system begins in the ‘gut’ where proper amounts of hydrochloric acid (HCL) can break down the food you eat and deliver the nutrients (vitamins, minerals) it contains to all of your tissues, organs and glands so that they function at the highest capacity as they were intended.

Do You Kombucha?

Kombucha has become the latest passion of health enthusiasts, complete with claims of miracle health benefits and cures. But what is kombucha really, and is it safe to drink? Find out all about kombucha, how it is made, and what it can do for you!

The Natural Treatment For Atrial Fibrillation Can Cure

The natural treatment for atrial fibrillation has the potential to cure the problem. This comes as welcome relief to sufferers who have been told that this is incurable and can only be managed.

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