Health Habits: Stay Fit In High Places
One of the benefits of internet business ownership is that you’re free to travel whenever you like. As long as you have a laptop and an internet connection, you can do business from anywhere.
Stress – A New PerspectiveFact: Some stress is vital for life. Without it your mind and body would simply shut down and wither away. Stress comes in 3 forms: physical, chemical and emotional/mental.
Eleuthero Root For Increased Sense PerceptionEleuthero root is also known as Siberian ginseng. It has a traditional use for helping to reduce stress and as an herb that can strengthen many different parts of the body. But boy does it come with some surprises! You’ll never guess what it did for me!
Holistic Health and Wellness: Nutrition Is KeyHolistic medicine takes the whole body together. There is no separation. The whole body is considered. The body consists of cells. Cells connect to each other and function in connection with each other. There cannot be one group of cells stressed and another healthy. If something happens, the whole body is involved in this process.
How to Make Cabbage Tea and a Cabbage Poultice for Home RemediesCabbage can be made into a tea and a poultice for home remedies for certain ailments. Cabbage is full of powerful antioxidants, preventing and warding off diseases and cancer. It is especially helpful for colon cancer. Cabbage boosts the immune system-so it makes a wonderful winter food to fight colds and flu.
What Is Holistic Healthcare?Are you looking for alternative to standard medical care? Holistic health care has been around for thousands of years.
The Many Uses of Licorice: The Universal RootLicorice, or rather, licorice root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra,) has been one of mankind’s most widely used and beneficial natural substances for untold generations, spanning thousands of years. From the earliest of times Chinese cultures have incorporated the Eastern licorice root into countless applications.
The Link Between Emotions and HealthIn Chinese medicine, each emotion is linked to a particular organ system, which is in turn affected by and drawn to it. If these emotions are not kept in check, physical dysfunction can occur.
Not Loving Yourself – A Major Cause Of Ill Health and Diseases Including CancerYour body cells are the most intimate ‘neighbors’ you can have and they need to feel your love and self-acceptance, to know that they are a part of you and that you care about them. Giving yourself an oil massage, going to sleep on time, eating nutritious foods, etc. are simple, but powerful messages of love that motivate your cells to function in harmony. They are also messages that keep elimination of toxins flawless and efficient. There is nothing unscientific about this. You can go around a number of hospitals and ask all the patients whether they felt good about their life prior to falling ill. The overwhelming response would be “no.” Without being a medical researcher, you would have conducted one of the most important research studies anyone could ever do. You would have stumbled over the most common cause of ill health, which is ‘not loving yourself’, or, to use a different expression, ‘not being happy about how your life turned out to be’. Not being happy or satisfied in life is perhaps the most severe form of emotional stress you could possibly have. It is, in fact, a major risk factor for many diseases, including cancer.
Hayfever? Follow the Bees!For those who suffer from hay fever pollen is the problem. It is the enemy. But pause a moment. Pollen can also be good for hay fever too when used in the right way. Although it appears counter-intuitive pollen can also be the solution to the problem.
Drinking Enough WaterTo produce the right amount of bile each day (1-1½ quarts), which the body requires for proper digestion of food, the liver needs plenty of water. In addition, the body uses up a lot of water to maintain normal blood volume, hydrate the cells and connective tissues, cleanse out toxins, and carry out literally thousands of other functions. Since the body cannot store water the way it stores fat, it is dependent on regular, sufficient water intake. To maintain proper bile production and bile consistency, as well as balanced blood values, you need to drink about six to eight glasses of water each day.
The Bach Flower Remedies and the Pioneering Dr Edward BachThe Bach Flower Remedies, developed in the late 1920’s and 1930’s by a qualified medical doctor, changed our understanding of health and the origins of health problems. Although there are now many other ranges of Flower Essences produced around the world, the Bach Flower Remedies continue to be the the most used.