Ep1 Welcome to Our Show 1

Physical Benefits of Holistic Medicine and Holistic Health

The human body has natural healing abilities. Holistic healing and alternative health care solutions support the body in healing itself. It is a philosophy of medical care that views physical and mental aspects of life

What is Behind Holistic Medicine?

As medical costs increase and people grow skeptical of traditional medical advice and pharmaceuticals, holistic medicine is playing a more significant role. Holistic medicine is known as treating the whole person with the goal of achieving a balance in mind, body and the spirit. While Western medical practices focus on treating the physical symptoms and complaints of illness and disease, a holistic approach looks at a variety of factors that may be contributing to health problems.

Traditional Chinese Medicine – A New Perspective of Healing

While we in the West are more familiar with the way doctors practice traditional medicine for healing, the ancient Eastern practice of medicine known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (or TCM), has recently become popular in the West as an alternative to traditional medicine. In order to understand the way illness is treated in traditional Chinese medicine, we need to understand their view of illness in the human body. Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the Taoist philosophy that the human body is a universe with a set of complete and interconnected systems.

Holistic Healing Approaches

Do you know how healing occurs? Is it magic? If you break a bone, how does it heal?

Herbs to Stop Sweating – The Holistic Approach

Start using herbs to stop sweating and you will begin to feel better the natural way. Within a couple of hours you will already feel betterment. Sage is a particularly effective herb that can result in a 50% reduction in perspiration.

Holistic Medicine Vs Traditional Western Medicine – Which is Right For You?

When it comes to acute conditions such as broken bones, raging infections, stroke, heart attack, or trauma injury, traditional western medicine has a great advantage over holistic medicine in terms of addressing the conditions quickly, thoroughly and in ways that are just not possible with natural approaches to health. Traditional western medicine also has a myriad of sophisticated diagnostic tools ranging from blood work to digital mammograms that can help detect and prevent disease in ways that are not available with holistic methods.

Holistic Medicine – Five Critical Questions to Know If a Practitioner is Right For You

These five key questions can help you to assess if a specific holistic practitioner is right for you. (1) What credentials and experience does the practitioner hold? Effective holistic practitioners have either a state license or have certification from a residential training program of a minimum of 2 to 3 years with an emphasis on supervised clinical training with assessment methods and application of various modalities.

Skin Care Training For Dermatology Discover the Holistic Skin Care Approach

Skin care training for dermatology comes in many forms, but holistic medicine is really starting to influence this tradition. Read on to learn about the holistic approach to dermatology. It will change the way you see your skin.

Chinese Medicine For Infertility

Infertility is a major problem facing couples and newly weds. The treatment for infertility has been under research since the early days. And from 200AD onwards, there had been many ways to conceived and treat infertility. Couples can now try several methods of addressing this problem. And the role of Chinese medicine is crucial when it comes to this health concern.

Chinese Medicine For Celiac

The Celiac disease is a problem with digestion. It is triggered by gluten, the protein found in pizza crusts, cookies, pasta, and breads. It can also be obtained from foods that contain rye, wheat, and barley. Certain oats may have gluten as well. When you eat these foods, there could be a reaction in the small intestines that could lead to the damage of its surface. The result would be the inability to absorb some of the nutrients of the foods that you eat.

Chinese Medicine For Cough

Chinese medicines are widely used in the East for a lot of diseases. Common ailments such as coughs and colds are no exception. There will always be Chinese herbs that can effectively cure usual health concerns such as these. There are different types of cough. Some are due to phlegm while others are caused by certain irritants.

What is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history of over 4,000 years. For centuries, millions of people in China have relied on TCM for their health and treatments. It joins the power of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and energetic exercises to correct imbalances found in the body. This not only allows the body to heal itself but also helps to prevent other illness.

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