The CBD Craze

Healing From the Inside Out

It’s that nagging cold that just won’t go away, the back stiffness that’s been there on and off for years, or that inexplicable pain in the hip that makes activity impossible. These common “every day” ailments are, well, all too common. We seem to live in a world where having something wrong with us is almost the norm, and to alleviate the symptoms, we look for external solutions, such as physical therapy and pain pills.

Practising Sumak Kawsay (The Good Life) in a Money Based Economy

Sumak Kawsay is about living with our natural environment in a way that this relationship rewards us with health and happiness. It is an ancient indigenous practice that ensures health and wellbeing.

Detoxification: A Balanced Approach

A new year has begun and many wish to kickstart it by feeling cleansed, energized and on a path to healthy living. The process of detoxification is natural to any living organism and involves the removal of waste material from the body. The major organs of detoxification are the liver, kidneys, colon, and skin.

Sei He Ki: Reiki Mental and Emotional Healing Symbol Explained

This is a comprehensive article about the Reiki Mental and Emotional Healing Symbol, or Sei He Ki. It explains its purpose, and defines some innovative ways of using it.

Your Health, The Bottom Line

Is there a “bottom line” of staying healthy? Or is being well a function of integrating a variety of pro-health habits? As it turns out, there is not just one thing. If your health is a priority, blending several practices ensures that you will enjoy the most results in your body.

Common Symptoms of an Unhappy Baby

As a parent it can be difficult to detect development issues as your baby can’t talk to you. Often there may be issues that you aren’t even aware of, or people tell you is just ‘normal’. Find out some of the common symptoms of an unhappy.

Detoxification: A Balanced Approach

A new year has begun and many wish to kickstart it by feeling cleansed, energized and on a path to healthy living. The process of detoxification is natural to any living organism and involves the removal of waste material from the body. The major organs of detoxification are the liver, kidneys, colon, and skin.

The Best Raw Foods For Beautiful And Healthy Skin

Do you know what the best raw foods for your skin are? Back in high school I suffered with severe acne. It was so bad it covered my entire face, chest, back.

Common Symptoms of an Unhappy Baby

As a parent it can be difficult to detect development issues as your baby can’t talk to you. Often there may be issues that you aren’t even aware of, or people tell you is just ‘normal’. Find out some of the common symptoms of an unhappy.

Healing From the Inside Out

It’s that nagging cold that just won’t go away, the back stiffness that’s been there on and off for years, or that inexplicable pain in the hip that makes activity impossible. These common “every day” ailments are, well, all too common. We seem to live in a world where having something wrong with us is almost the norm, and to alleviate the symptoms, we look for external solutions, such as physical therapy and pain pills.

Cho Ku Rei: Reiki Power Symbol Explained

This is a comprehensive article about the Reiki Power Symbol, or Cho Ku Rei. It explains its purpose, and defines some innovative ways of using it.

Sei He Ki: Reiki Mental and Emotional Healing Symbol Explained

This is a comprehensive article about the Reiki Mental and Emotional Healing Symbol, or Sei He Ki. It explains its purpose, and defines some innovative ways of using it.

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